Who should take Moringa?
The simple answer is: EVERYONE! Moringa contains a wide range of nutrients and Ayurvedic properties that are relevant for people all age and physical activity levels, those with special eating habits, pregnant women, people with diabetes and inflammatory diseases – it is even great for animals!
Athletes particularly enjoy the high content of protein as it makes 28% of Moringa nutritional value. All essential amino acids, including branched-chain amino acids BCAA are presented in Moringa leaf powder, therefore it is great for achieving muscle growth while exercising. Additionally, Moringa leaf powder contains a wide range of minerals that helps replace the electrolytes we lose during intense physical activity. Further, a unique combination of anti-inflammatory compounds, minerals and antioxidants helps our muscles to recover faster!
Vegans, vegetarians, raw-food diet followers, those on a gluten-free or paleo diet all enjoy adding dried Moringa leaf powder to their diet as it is fully in line with their dietary requirements and greatly helps to fulfil all the nutritional needs of the human body. In particular the high protein content, as well as high iron content is something that vegans and vegetarians are often looking for to add to their diet.
Some of our older customers have given us the feedback that Moringa has greatly helped to raise their energy levels and helped with a range of small issues throughout their body. In particular, we have found that Moringa anti-inflammatory properties are very effective in reducing small inflammations throughout our bodies and thus greatly help to reduce ailments such as arthritis etc.
Generally, Moringa is great for everyone who is trying to stay healthy. Moringa’s nutritional spectrum helps every user to fulfil his or her nutritional needs, contributing to our general well-being. Further, a combination of vitamins, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds helps us stay healthy all year round!
How much Moringa should I take?
The following instructions are recommendations only, based on our own past experiences. Your experiences with Moringa may differ. Whenever introducing something new into your diet, we recommend listening to your body and adjusting the required dosage accordingly, as everybody is different.
Moringa oleifera leaf powder does not contain any nutrients or compounds which are harmful to human body. However, as it is such a powerful nutritional source, it can lead to an unsettled stomach if taken in too large quantities, as our body struggles to absorb all the nutrients contained. Moringa oleifera leaf powder has been processed with a great care to ensure that no nutrients are lost in the process. This also means that you do not need to take as much of our leaf powder as you might need to take of lesser quality Moringa.
When you are beginning to take Moringa, we recommend that you start with 1/2 tsp a day in combination with a meal.
Once you have taken Moringa for a week at lower dosages, you can decide if you wish to remain with your current dosage or if you would like to increase it. You may also decide to increase your intake of Moringa by taking it a couple of times a day, rather than only once.
Once you have taken Moringa regularly for a while you will be able to take greater quantities of Moringa. As Moringa has no negative nutritional properties, you can freely experiment with different quantities to suit your needs.
Generally, we recommend not chugging drinks containing Moringa, but rather drinking them slowly, as this greatly helps to minimise any side effect you may experience.
When should I take Moringa?
The following instructions, based on our own experiences are recommendations only. Your experiences may differ because every human body has a different reaction to Moringa. That is why we recommend experimenting with your intake of Moringa to see how you can get the most out of it.
Moringa has a wide range of health benefits, which are largely preventative, thus long-term. However it has also ascribed different short to medium term effects, which are experienced differently depending on when we take it.
Taking Moringa in the morning:
Most people prefer to take Moringa in the morning to give them a long-lasting boost of energy. Some even say that Moringa gives them a clearer mind and helps them to focus.
Taking Moringa with lunch:
Some people find that they have no problems with energy in the morning, but feel their energy dipping around lunch. For those people we recommend taking Moringa during lunch time.
Taking Moringa with dinner:
Some people prefer to take Moringa in the evening. This helps to get a nice restful sleep and wake up refreshed next morning. This is particularly useful when our schedule allows us very limited time for sleeping. Taking Moringa in the evening can also help with digestive issues.
Taking Moringa with everything:
A great way to take Moringa is to add some powder to every meal you eat. The simplest way to do this is to put some Moringa powder into a pepper shaker and add a small sprinkle to any meal you like.
Moringa for the sporadic user:
Some people do not take Moringa on a daily basis, but rather when they feel the need for it.
A good time to start taking Moringa is when you are suffering from a cold or feel a cold coming on. Moringa’s unique composition of vitamins and anti-inflammatory compounds makes it a very efficient remedy against colds and similar illnesses. Moringa is however not a medicine, so please visit a doctor for more serious issues.
We also recommend the use of Moringa before or after exercising (in particular for endurance athletes). Moringa’s high content of protein, minerals and antioxidants makes it a highly efficient support for muscle growth, as well as a great prevention against sore muscles and cramps.
Am I getting the right quality Moringa?
The more care has been taken in processing the Moringa, the less nutrients will have been lost and the more potent your powder will be. An easy way to see if you are getting a high-quality product is by simply assessing the colour of your Moringa. If the powder is bright green, such as LOMARI Moringa, it is of a high quality. If your Moringa has a bit more of a brownish colour, the quality is not very high.